Saturday, March 30, 2013

DRAFT Schedule 2014

July 14 through 18, 2014

Note:  you should arrive by Sunday, July 13th and can leave anytime after class on Friday July 18th.

Through a mixed methods approach of cultural immersion, readings, class activities, and forums with cultural and educational leaders, school counselor candidates will acquire strategies to collaborate with culturally diverse families and develop systemic approaches to equalize the educational experiences for every student. School counselor candidates will broaden their world view and global perspective, and identify and develop culturally sensitive interventions for a range of school counseling issues and settings. Candidates will also examine the impact of contemporary socio-cultural viewpoints on student achievement, and educational equity and access.   Please note the program and schedule is subject to change based on the needs of our hosting organizations.

Monday, July 14
·                1:30pm   Program Overview     UFT Teacher Center  
52 Broadway    (R, 1, 4, 5) near  Wall Street
Introductions; Icebreaker/Jeopardy       

·       2:15 pm   Listen to Their Voices: The Student Perspective.
Conversations with newly immigrated high school students from Brooklyn International High School about what we need to know to best help them adapt to a new educational experience in a new country. Students will share their experiences; please feel free to ask them questions so we can better understand how to help every one of our students to succeed. 
Moderator: Dr. Ann McCormack
Panelists:  TBD
·       3:30pm: Review Itinerary evening plans and 7/16 schedule
Optional 9-11 Memorial - Reserve a time in advance (4:15 should be fine). The Memorial is a 10 minute subway ride and you will probably want to spend a half hour at the site as the Museum is not yet opened. 
·       5:00pm   Dinner Break (on your own)
·       7:00pm     NYIT Auditorium on Broadway   61st Street and Broadway - Please arrive by 6:45pm
Performance of Crossing the Blvd. This multimedia presentation has a powerful of this message for those of us who work with diverse student populations and their families. Please make sure everyone in your group is registered as per the link on the flyer.  Talk back with the artist Judith Sloan and discussion to follow. 

Tuesday,  July 15      The Studio Museum in Harlem   144 West 125th Street
·       9:30am   Group debriefing
·       10:00 to 11:30am     Broadening Our Perspective to Understanding and Respecting the Needs of African American/Black American Students   
Moderator: Janeika Fairley, School Counselor, William Haberle Elementary PS 195
Panelists:   TBD

11:30am  Tour of the Museum
·       1:00pm    Local Restaurant information will be provided 
·       3:00pm    Demetria Thomas will lead our tour of the Abyssinian Baptist Church
132 Odell Clark Place (formerly 138th St.) 

Wednesday, July 16  -   Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway  Riverdale, Bronx   
·       9:30 am Group Debriefing    
·       10:00am to 11:30am                Broadening Our Perspective to Understanding and Respecting the Needs of Orthodox Jewish Students   
Discussion Moderator: Rabbi Steven Exler, Associate Rabbi, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale;
·       Travel to the Islamic Cultural Center - 1711 3rd Ave (Between East 96th and 97th)
Lunch break in the Neighborhood 96th Street and 3rd Avenue
·       2:00pm to 3:00pm Broadening Our Perspective to Understanding and Respecting the Needs of Muslim Students 
Discussion:    Imam Chernor Jalloh

Thursday, July 17     Museum of Chinese in the Americas   215 Centre Street, Chinatown
·       10:00 to 10:30am   Group Debriefing/self-guided museum tour
·       10:30 to 11:45am Panel:   Broadening Our Perspective to Understanding and Respecting the Needs of Asian Students  
Panelists:   TBD
·       12 noon to 1pm - Chinatown: A Walk through History
Lunch in Chinatown
·       Afternoon neighborhood options/free time:  Chinatown; Little Italy; Lower East Side and/or Tenement Museum

Friday, July 18     El Museo del Barrio  -  105 St. and 5th Avenue 
·       9:30am Group debriefing at El Museo Del Barrio (East Harlem)
·       10:00 am – 11:15am   Panel Presentation
Broadening Our Perspective to Understanding and Respecting the Needs of Hispanic/ Latina and Latino American Students   


·       11:30am – 1:30pm   Neighborhood Walk/Gallery Walk
·       1:30 Lunch  El Caribeno on Lexington and 105th St., La Fonda Boricua  106 St. Between Lexington and 3rd Ave. or any number of local restaurants.
·       4:00pm    Debriefing and Wrap Up at    NYIT Manhattan Campus   16 West 61st St.  11th Floor Auditorium
·       5:00 pm   HAPPY HOUR SOCIAL

Friday, March 15, 2013

Travel Planning

Please respond in the comments section below.

1.  Have you made reservations @ the Leo House or elsewhere?

2.  Do you need a roommate?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Leo House Planning

Please use this space to coordinate your housing as needed. . .

For example, Shannon Sprague is now joining the group and is seeking a roommate.  Anyone need a roommate?  If not, I can inquire with other groups attending to find a roommate. This has worked out fine in the past.

Leo House will require 50% deposit at the time of reservation:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We will be having an information/planning session for anyone interested in attending the course this summer.

Monday, January 28th, 3:30-4:00, Education 310 G (MISL classroom)

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Frequently asked questions:

1.  Can I stay with someone I know who lives in NYC?

ANSWER:  Of course, but you need to be able able to travel independently and either meet us at the Leo House each morning, or at the destination of the morning class.

2.  Can I stay at a hotel instead of the Leo House?

ANSWER:  I highly discourage this because it makes the trip and week much easier if we all stay together.  The Leo House is a very affordable and definitely adds to the experience of the trip.  Talk to previous classmates who have attended for their recommendations (they may chime in on this blog).

3.  Have more questions?  Post them in the comments here so  everyone can view the answer.

New question:  Can I bring family members along? 

ANSWER: Yes, that is fine.  They will not be able to attend the class events (except for a couple which we can negotiate) unless they pay the institute fee ($380), but they can join us for meals, the broadway show, and other things.  It's a VERY BUSY week and there isn't much time or energy for site seeing after a long day of class (and sometimes a long evening too). 

Plan to come the weekend before or stay the weekend after if you want to build in extra site seeing.

2014 Multicultural Counseling in NYC

It's time to begin planning your for your enrollment in the Multicultural Counseling course that meets in NYC, July 14th-18th.  There will also be a half-day class session at PSU, date TBD.

WHAT: New York City-Based Cultural Immersion Course
This year, the COURSE IS OPEN TO ALL COUNSELING TRACKS, however the speakers are definitely oriented toward school counseling, so you will need to be flexible if you are are not a school counseling student.  Last year we included a few clinical mental health and rehabilitation counseling students (from across the universities who attend) and they were able to transfer their learning to their specific counseling environment.  For this reason, I am opening the class up to all counseling tracks at PSU.

Current students who complete this course can apply to waive COUN 581, Multicultural Counseling, after completing the summer course.

WHEN: July 14-18th, 2013.  

PSU Registration becomes available when Summer Session 2013 registration opens.  Registration TO NYIT (via Tina) is due 5/1/14. 
Hotel reservations are available after 1/15/14.
Statement of Intent to Register by 1/15/14 via online form (required pdx email): <iframe src="" width="760" height="500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>


1.  Fees include: 3 Graduate Credits at PSU at regular per credit rate.
2.  5 day Summer Institute fee of  approximately $380 (Due 4/1/13, includes museum and cultural center fees
3. Reasonable hotel accommodations at The Leo House (this year you make your own reservation after 1/15/14 to guarantee room, $80 per night per person for shared room, paid at time of reservation, see link at end of this post). Unless you are staying with friends or family, The Leo House is where you should plan to stay.  It's clean, in a great location, safe, and super convenient.  I can't imagine you'll find a better deal near this location.
4.  *Airfare additional, on your own.  Start booking after class in confirmed on 1/15, flights will go up the closer to summer we get. You must arrive on Sunday, 7/13/14 and you can depart after 5pm on Friday, 7/18/14.  You can come early or stay longer, it's up to you.  The Leo House will allow this.
5.  Meals are on your own, but we try to find cheap options everywhere we go.
6.  Broadway show optional ($50 or so, depending on what show we choose.  This will be due in June before we leave).

WHY: Immerse yourself in multicultural history and cultural through a counseling lens.  If you are open to this experience, you will walk away with  1) a better understanding of your own biases and beliefs about your cultural identity and 2) a foundation for working with students and clients from diverse backgrounds.  

We also have a GREAT time together and eat some amazing food!  Check out the pictures that follow on this blog from last year's trip.

Sample Itinerary

July 14

9 am – 12pm
Ellis Island-self-guided tour

Ellis Island

Listen to Their Voices: The Immigrant Student Perspective
UFT Teacher Center

7:30pm – 9p
Multi-Media Performance Crossing the Blvd.

NYIT Auditorium on Broadway

July 15

Broadening Our Perspective to Understanding and Respecting the Needs of Orthodox Jewish Students
Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, Bronx

Broadening Our Perspective to Understanding and Respecting the Needs of Muslim Students

96th East Mosque

Broadway Option:
July 16
9am – 11am
Broadening Our Perspective to Understanding and Respecting the Needs of Black American Students
Studio Museum of Harlem

Harlem Neighborhood Tour and Cultural Venues
Abyssinian Baptist Church

July 17

9am – 11am
Broadening our Perspective to Understanding and Respecting the Needs of Asian Students
Museum of Chinese in the Americas

Chinatown tour
Optional: Tenement Museum
July 18

9am – 11am
Broadening our Perspective to Understanding and Respecting the Needs of Latina and Latino American Students
Museo Del Bario,
Washington Heights and Spanish Harlem

Wrap UP Reception
NYIT Manhattan Campus